Novell 1
Den här gången jag skriver ett inlägg är det inte riktigt lika vanligt. Fick nämligen en idé och inspiration från ett foto nyss, och den idén var att skriva en helt oredigerad, spontan, oarbetad novell rätt i bloggen och se vad ni tycker. Så nu kör vi!

This novel is going to be in English. Cause it deserves the best.
A story about a girl who is nothing but unique. Who has a spirit, normally people intend to sigh at. This young girl, is talented but most of all: special. I know there is no look-a-like in the world with this girl. And this girl is my sister.
Everyday, she makes me annoyed, screamy and irretated, just like sisters behave. But deep inside I know she's an average one. This girl is a part of me, and over and over again I'll have to face that we are extremely alike, despite the age. She's like a younger me, and I'm like an older her. And the only ones who can see that, is us.
An average teenage girl at 13 don't go out in the summer, grab a bow, and play in the garden. It's not childish, and it's very inspiring for anyone to notice how different she is. How she is the oyster with the pearl in it. It's people like my sister who sees things differently, who turns and twirls the Rubik's Cube around til she gets it. And have dreams of becoming a helicopter pilot, instead of a model, even though I know thats a bit because she likes to be personal. And thats okay. Because I love her, no matter how annoying and dumb she can be with me. Cause she's my sister. And that sister is nothing else but a pure joy.